Dashboard Login URL: https://mr.iptv.uno (old Dashboard: https://sensustv.xdns.pro)
Username is your Email address
Option 1: Generate your own EPG (xmltv) link based on your own m3u link:
M3U to EPG Link Converter
EPG Link:
1. If your m3u link looks like this:
- http://tv.mr.iptv.uno/get.php?username=YourUserName&password=YourPassword&type=m3u_plus&output=ts
2. Your EPG link looks like this:
- http://tv.mr.iptv.uno/xmltv.php?username=YourUserName&password=YourPassword
Detailed explanation: If your m3u link looks like this:
(Simply replace your “OWN-DNS” and the “XXX” with your m3u username and password and keep in mind: small and capital letters.)
Then your EPG (xml) link looks like this, based on above m3u link:
(Simply replace “get” with “xmltv” and remove the text behind the password and keep in mind: small and capital letters.)
If a specific channel has wrong EPG, you can report the wrong EPG under the Channel Report function within your Dashboard.
Option 2: Choose the ALL EPG file from dashboard, but we strongly prefer above Option 1.
Login to your Dashboard and open left menu EPG per Country => choose ALL EPG (Electronic Program Guide) or the specific country you need