Dashboard Login URL: https://mr.iptv.uno (old Dashboard: https://sensustv.xdns.pro)
 Username is your Email address

Option 1: Generate your own EPG (xmltv) link based on your own m3u link:

M3U to EPG Link Converter

M3U to EPG Link Converter

1. If your m3u link looks like this:

  • http://tv.mr.iptv.uno/get.php?username=YourUserName&password=YourPassword&type=m3u_plus&output=ts

2. Your EPG link looks like this:

  • http://tv.mr.iptv.uno/xmltv.php?username=YourUserName&password=YourPassword&tpye=m3u_plus&output=ts
Detailed explanation: If your m3u link looks like this:
(Simply replace your “OWN-DNS” and the “XXX” with your m3u username and password and keep in mind: small and capital letters.)
Then your EPG (xml) link looks like this, based on above m3u link:
(Simply replace “get” with “xmltvand remove the text behind the password and keep in mind: small and capital letters.)
If a specific channel has wrong EPG, you can report the wrong EPG under the Channel Report function within your Dashboard.

Option 2: Choose the ALL EPG file from dashboard, but we strongly prefer above Option 1.

Login to your Dashboard and open left menu EPG per Country => choose ALL EPG (Electronic Program Guide) or the specific country you need

Get your EPG file

Get your EPG links per country with copy paste function, you’ll get http links and .xml or .gz files based on your required Country (only):
Login to Dashboard => CHANNELS => EPG
(The ALL_EPG file enjoy also all countries)